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This is a question to ask yourself, so that you can understand what fulfills you in life, and what to strive for when the opportunity arrives to make it happen. As we get older, we lose a lot of our hopefulness and big dreams, because reality sets in and life can be harsh. I hope by sharing my goals and “childlike wonder” mindset, you’re inspired to never sell yourself short! You can’t let life get you down, no matter what obstacles you face.
We put a lot of new projects off because “it will take too long to finish” or “I don’t have any time”. And we think we’ll never get to enjoy life because “everything costs too much”. When you think you’re being realistic with yourself, you’re really just shooting yourself down. You’re parenting yourself and saying NO to your inner child. If you adjust your attitude into finding a way to make it happen, you’ll discover so many doors open for you! You have to be actively looking for time, searching for free or budget-friendly ways to get what you’re wishing for, and being open to opportunities.
The Time Will Pass Anyway
When you have to really work hard at something, you imagine how long it will take to reach the end goal, and sometimes this deters you from even starting. But you know a year will go by, and it will go by even quicker than you expected. Then, you’ll wish you had started a year ago. Or you’ll recycle your New Years Resolutions until 5 years have passed and you’re still in square one.
Don’t disappoint your (future) self! Pay attention to the way you spend your day now, write down time stamps, and start finding moments that you can devote to your goals. Adjust what you need to, multitask when you can, and make your new schedule easy enough to stick to. On my Pinterest, I have a cleaning schedule to follow that makes it easier to fit housekeeping into my days.
I use Notion to organize everything! It’s fun and customizable, with both a desktop app and a mobile/tablet app. If you’d prefer to make planning craftier, invest in a bullet journal or binder. Being able to visualize your goals, schedules, and plans takes the pressure off of trying to figure it out in your mind. Definitely let me know if sharing my notion and planners would help you set yours up ♡
Money Flows
I want to explain to you how I reached a better mindset with money, as a person who has had to survive on my own, live alone, work multiple jobs and 12-hour shifts. I always worked hard, and I never had a handout or big help from family. I’m mentioning my background because I can imagine getting an eyeroll from someone assuming that I’m preaching about “abundance” when I’m just spoiled. I believe that even if you came from humble beginnings, you’re able to heal your relationship with money and not make it stressful.
You have to lighten the weight that money has on you. It’s not the most important thing in life! Think “I am always making money”, “I’m so grateful for an opportunity to increase my wealth”, and let it go.
Know that your value isn’t based on what you own. You’re more than your assets. You don’t care what others think of your possessions. You have everything you need and are deserving of everything you want. If you want more, you have the capacity to get more. With these thoughts in mind, you are understanding that the need to have and spend money isn’t crucial. Money is always flowing.
I’m all for Facebook Marketplace, entering giveaways, and thrifting/estate sales. It’s fun to go on the hunt for a unique item or to win sweepstakes ♡ You can always find the things and experiences that you want as long as you’re open for unexpected opportunities and doing your best to find balance in work, play, and responsibilities. I trust that you can keep a healthy, positive attitude and create a life you’re excited to live!
Experiences I Want:
I feel like I’m really open about what I want out of life on my livestream! I also post a ton of things that inspire me on X.
Currently, I’ve been thinking about how I put off learning how to sew for years. I had a sewing machine and instruction books that I gave away when I was packing to move. I remember trying to figure out how to use my machine through YouTube and giving up because I couldn’t figure it out. I recently learned how to crochet, which makes me feel a little better about never getting around to sewing, but I still have it in the back of my mind. If I learned crocheting without taking a class, I can definitely teach myself anything!
I want to learn how to garden and grow beautiful flowers, especially my favorite Dahlias. I’ve never lived in a place with a garden or learned how to tend to one, and I’m excited for the challenge. This year I’ve become more knowledgeable about a lot about houseplants and understanding what a plant needs by looking at it, so I’m hoping that I’ll be prepared to plant things in our front and backyards next year.
I recently finished reading 1984, and I’m loving the idea of annotating it and other books in the future. I’ve seen gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing pictures of annotated books on Pinterest, and the idea of making a book fully mine is so cool. It would contain my thoughts, highlight the parts I found most memorable, and look to be as fully appreciated as the author might have hoped. Luckily, Sean has a big collection of books I can choose from and he’s so easygoing about letting me change things. Being allowed to write, highlight, and doodle inside a book is so freeing and exciting for my inner child!
♡ Thank you so much for reading ♡ If you find this post helpful, please consider supporting this blog so that I can continue writing and posting! I appreciate any shopping you do through my links, which also contribute to continuing this website.
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