Do I Love Myself? + How To Achieve Self-Love

I’ve been called conceited and “in love” with myself, so yes, I guess the easy answer is that I do love myself.

But I’ve definitely changed since I’ve been called those things. Unfortunately, I let others negative perception of my confidence bring me down. I watered myself down when my peers felt like I was “showing off” or full of myself, even though I was just being me. Now I’m on the journey to feeling that level of confidence again.

I think life humbles all of us anyway, and so it’s fine that I lost my “conceitedness.” I do believe that at that point in my life, I was my most productive, a trendsetter, and the most creative person you could think of, so why did people hate that so much? I wish I could go back and tell myself that toning my self-assurance down wasn’t the best thing to do.

Now I’m growing back into ME, and I can guide you into feeling like the star that you are. ✨️

Decide What’s Important to You

Everyone has their “thing.” What’s going to make you feel like That Girl? Is it a certain career, a talent, or a look? What do you want to be known for?

Deciding what you want is the first step, because someone who really loves themselves knows who they are, what they want in life, and they go for it. You can love yourself right now for your honesty and kindness. You can look in the mirror right now and decide where your beauty and strengths lie.

When you have a goal, you have a purpose and a measurable amount of progress. It feels good to work towards something! You can have small goals or huge dreams, whatever you choose.

“Me Time” is Mandatory

Have alone time to think, dream, and do things that bring you joy. To love yourself is to love spending time with yourself. If you don’t have a hobby, this is where you get one! Learn something you’ve always wanted to or get back into what you loved during your childhood.

While scrolling on your phone can be fun, it’s better to have something that’s slower like reading, journaling, or even watching a show. The way that social media makes our mood change so quickly by feeding us so many different things within seconds can be draining without us realizing. The time you spend alone should be to recharge and reflect.

Edit Your Environment

Block people that don’t respect you, set boundaries with loved ones, and choose your friends wisely. Stop caring about if you make enemies or “burn bridges” when you’re doing this. Surround yourself with supportive people that actually have your back. Sometimes you learn the hard way, and sometimes you just have to follow your gut feeling.

It’s SO refreshing when you’re out of a toxic place. You get a better perspective on who you are and what you’re capable of. You have less worries and more fun!

Don’t worry about finding a new relationship, new friends, or a new job. The more you’re aligned with yourself, the easier it will be to find what’s right for you. I’m speaking from experience here. I’ve started over new and absolutely love it. You can always start over. It’s never too late! I believe in you.


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