How Would You Like to Be Remembered? A Guide to Gaining Perspective on Our Daily Lives

Whether you always keep your mind in the present moment or not, we’re all just doing what needs to be done to get us through the day. Sometimes we rush and get stressed, and other times we let ourselves get “out of character” or do things we regret. Rather than worrying about being judged or your reputation, this post is about how your loved ones see you and if it aligns with who you feel you truly are.

If you’ve ever heard the saying “they won’t remember what you said or what you did, but how you made them feel”, you’ll understand where I’m going with this. Decide what your essence, aura, or behavior should be for you to feel proud of the memory you leave behind. If you’re always “too busy”, think of how many times that made you blow off a conversation or quality time with someone. If you’re constantly in a hurry, think about how you’ve come across as rude and short with everyone you interacted with. If you want to be remembered for your true personality, you have to give time and space for others to experience it.

If you have a hard time figuring out what energy you’re giving off, ask coworkers, friends, family, anyone. You’d be surprised at the answers you might get and how you don’t feel that they’re describing you at all! Take into consideration the way you act when you’re in a certain environment. For example, at work, do you let everyone know how tired you are and how much you hate the job? How can anyone at work know you’re a bubbly, funny person when they only see you in a bad mood? Let your true self shine by remembering that the way people see you every day are the memories they have of you.

This whole thought process can help you realize that you need to get away from things that are affecting you too negatively and hiding who you really are. Adjust your life so that it aligns with you and will make you the best version of yourself. There are toxic people and environments that can change you and make you into someone you’re not! Cut off energy vampires and find a better place to spend your time (I’d tell you to quit your job but find a new one first please 😅).

And no matter what, it’s never too late to apply this to your life.

If you feel like someone got a bad impression of you, you can always apologize or explain yourself. Then you’ll be proud to know you were brave enough to communicate, and the other person will respect you for it.

If you’re scared to get rid of someone who is a bad influence in your life, you can calmly tell them how they’re affecting you and why you need to let them go. Your truthfulness can bring them self-awareness and help them grow into a better person!

Most importantly, think about you. Self-reflect with journaling, making Pinterest boards, listening to music, and figuring out what makes you feel the most like you or who you want to be. The goal is to let others better know you and understand you, not for you to be the BEST person they know or the person who’s always right. This isn’t about having a great reputation, but for people to know your true character. That’s how you get genuine friendships, deeper love, and great memories.

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