Lists to Make for Fun and to Organize Your Life

I’ve been wanting to keep track of everything lately! I’m described as “super organized” by friends and family, and I think it’s just because I like knowing exactly what I have and where it is. I can always give an exact answer to “where is _?” and “how much of _ do we have left?”. I feel like keeping track of your things prevents you from going nuts when life gets hectic. Also, list-making is fun and doesn’t have to take up a lot of your time.

Here are a few easy, fun ways I’ve been organizing the little things:



really a handwriting reveal ✍️🏻 not in alphabetical order and none of these are CDs I bought πŸ’ΏπŸ˜… #organizedhome #homeorganization #lists

♬ Forever Young – Alphaville

I moved in with Sean a little over a year ago and felt like “getting to know the house” was very important to being settled in. It was the first time I actually moved IN to someone’s home, with everything being there before me. And he owns a lot of books, instruments, movies, music, everything. For the past year I’ve been touching everything on the shelves and going through each room and collection to understand what’s what and rearranging things if needed. Making this CD collection list was after opening each case and seeing if the case wasn’t broken and the disc was still there. I treated it more like creating our own cute jukebox list rather than a chore that had to be done.

I know that CDs and DVDs are “outdated”, but I love the idea of owning physical things in a world of streaming and e-books. We even have VHS tapes, and it feels like I’m a kid again! Being organized doesn’t mean you have to be a minimalist or let go of things that bring you joy. I consider myself a maximalist, because I adore cute things and a home with a lot of personality. As long as it looks nice and neat, has its own spot that makes sense and doesn’t look cluttered!

Movies Watched Together

Here’s our list on letterboxd. I love this app for finding movies to watch too.

I’ve never kept track of movies before! I come from a family that loves watching movies, so I’ve seen a ton on my own, but making a list of what me and Sean have watched together feels like an act of love. It reminds us of what we’ve seen before we met and then shared with each other, and ones we experienced for the first time together. Some movies aren’t so good or memorable, and can only be remembered by seeing the title, poster, and description in the app. Having more than just the title makes this list more fun, and I love that I can make it public to share with you.


My goodreads account is for me to explore more of myself through what I’ve read, liked, and would be interested in reading in the future. This is more of a fun list that organizes my thoughts and memories, rather than what I have. I’ve considered visiting the library in the future for some of my “to read” list instead of buying a copy. And I’m not sure if this makes me old fashioned, but I could NEVER have a kindle or read e-books. I need the pages in my hands!

There were a few books on my “read” list that I forgot about. I had to read the description and some reviews to make sure it was the exact book I remembered a snippet of. Some things I left out were manga, which I read a lot during childhood, and Harry Potter, which I read in elementary and never liked it or the movies as much as everyone else my age. What I love about making lists like this is that you have total control over what you add or omit, and you’re free to adjust anything at any given moment. It’s all yours!

I’m not sure if I’ll get into reviews on letterboxd or goodreads, because I don’t consider myself an expert on anything. I love a lot of movies that people dislike and leave bad reviews on, and I feel too personal about books I read. I think these apps are calming and wonderful, and I’d love to interact with you if you make an account! I’ll share more of my organization and home on this Instagram account in the future. Thanks so much for reading!

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