My Ideal Self, and How You Can Realize Your Highest Self too!

When people say “focus on yourself” they mean to work on what you aspire to be, rather than using others as your competition or goal. Having a clear vision of how you can improve yourself by your own standards prevents you from being what’s called “a monitoring spirit” and growing envious of people. It requires you to look inward, understand yourself better, and heal! I really hope that sharing my personal aspirations with you sparks your ambition and helps you attain every attribute you’ve always wanted. It’s so important to keep ourselves aligned with our own values and strive for improvement. It will grow your self-esteem and keep you on the right, most rewarding, track.

My Idea of My Personal “Best”

My ideal self is productive, helpful, creative, and calm. She keeps a schedule and always manages to get everything done. She’s intelligent and has the ability to help others with any problem they have. She has a unique look and creates art with multiple mediums. She never lets anything get to her and doesn’t lose her temper. She is forgiving and graceful when dealing with negativity.

My highest self takes time to read, keep a perfectly organized home, create content, work on artistic projects, and give quality time to loved ones. She lives a balanced lifestyle in every sense of the word, not being restrictive with food or rest, learning new things often, and doing what makes her happy. She is unapologetically expressive and isn’t affected by the attitudes of others. She maintains a positive outlook and uplifts others with her presence.

How Do You Know Who You Want to Be?

Think of every aspect of life and yourself: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Imagine what a perfect day looks like when you’re your best self. What goals would you accomplish? What steps do you need to take to become the best version of you? Figuring out what’s the most “you” takes alone time, reminding yourself of passions you had as a child, and having an optimism for the future.

Make this a fun process and spend time with yourself! Take personality quizzes, read your astrology profile, look at what your generation is doing or not doing and see what similarities and differences you have with each finding. Do you have a favorite TV or movie character that you relate to? What do your favorite places and things tell you about yourself? Really get to know who you are and see what you like most about yourself and what you can do better.

Curate pictures, songs, quotes, and everything you resonate with into one. Then, write out the story of who you truly are. This “perfect” version is your TRUE self, and you know it because you embody it every day to the best of your ability. You go to bed knowing you did your best and it feels great! I believe in you ♡

Why Finding Your True Self is Crucial

I’ve recently noticed behavior that can only manifest itself in people who are more focused on the outer world rather than themselves. They create “anonymous” or fake accounts to watch the people they dislike. They don’t own up to reality and lie about themselves and others. They’re so jealous and focused on hurting the people they feel are better than them! The mindset I’ve observed in these individuals is full of insecurity and comparison. They don’t know who they are, what they want, or how to get it, so they use their energy to tear others down in their head or out loud.

When you’re sure of who you are and are always focusing on your self-improvement, you’ll come across “haters” that want to dull your shine and make you miserable like them. Block them, don’t stoop to their level, and keep your eyes on you and what your next achievement is! ♡

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