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What is Your Inner Dialogue Like? + 3 Ways I Improved My Self-Talk
Your voice inside your head decides everything: Your decisions and how you view yourself and the world. Our inner dialogue can sometimes sound just like our parents or our bullies! That’s why I love this question and hope that I can make sure your self-talk is all YOU.
The affirmations you see everywhere now, the “lucky girl syndrome”, and the law of attraction are all involving our inner voice and how we perceive ourselves. It’s changing our mindset to speak to ourselves in a way that we’d talk to someone we dearly love, like our best friend or sister. I’ve adopted this super-positive inner dialogue the past couple years and it has paid off so much!
Here are the 3 things I did to make myself my biggest cheerleader:
Accept Yourself Fully
Look in the mirror and point out everything you love about yourself. It can be as simple as having your limbs, having eyes to see, and everything else your body is capable of. It can be your facial expressions, the skills you have, and your sense of style. Make sure you look at all the things to be grateful for.
Next, be authentically yourself and do what you want. Whatever anyone else says doesn’t affect who you are or what your decisions are. There’s nothing about you that needs to be “fixed”, there’s only skills you’d like to improve or goals you’re working towards. There’s nothing wrong with you at all. Once you realize that you’re uniquely you and happy with it, you’ve already beat the self-critic.
Now, if you’re not where you want to be yet, tell yourself that it’s okay to rest. It’s okay to take breaks, to be undecided, and to change your mind whenever you want to. Putting pressure on yourself when you’re just being human gives you unnecessary disappointment.
Identify Triggers
Sometimes we don’t even realize what’s causing our negativity until after we’re away from it. You might realize that your job, relationship, or friend group is giving you a bad outlook on life. I got away from anything that was making me less than my best self and started over fresh when I needed to. Take a look at what you’re around and decide if it’s elevating you or causing you to be a negative thinker.
If you’re not sure, journaling can give you a better understanding of your feelings. If you’d rather not keep a physical journal, download a diary app that has a passcode or password. Write lists of pros and cons for each part of your life and see what aligns with how you envision your truest, happiest self.
If you can’t get away from the things that antagonize you, set boundaries. Lessen your time with mean people. Stand up for yourself when someone is crossing a boundary. Don’t allow anyone to belittle you or take advantage. You can be firm and kind about letting others know what is okay with you and what isn’t. You’ll get more respect and have peace of mind!
Decide to Live Your Best Life
If you treat yourself well, you’ll feel loved. Take time to do things you love, eat well, dress up, and show up as who you decided you’d be. You’ll be proud of yourself after realizing you’ve accomplished so much just by treating yourself like your own best friend.
Make a journal entry or Pinterest board that details everything your best self is. Everything she has, is, does, and wants. Become who you truly are! You deserve it and more.
When I made my everyday life reflect who I wanted to be, I’m finally on the path that I feel is ME. I dropped so many bad habits. I don’t wish to be somewhere else. I’m truly feeling at peace and like my best self. I hope this year brings you on your true life path too!
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