What is Your Life Like Today? Are You Living the Life of Your Dreams?

I’ve always felt deeply misunderstood and only ever dreamed of having real friends and real love. All I thought about when I was growing up was being surrounded by people that reciprocated my love and made me feel seen! And guess what I have now? MY PEOPLE.

When you handle situations better than ever before, have a sense of calmness throughout the day, and can go to your loved ones for absolutely anything, you know you’re really living as your best self. I can say that this is my dream life come true. Being able to share 100% vulnerability and honesty with the company you keep is something a lot of people don’t have!

I find slow mornings, creative freedom, and meaningful connections as luxuries that I have the privilege of living. These were things I wanted for years. I’m so grateful and in a bit of shock that I can enjoy these things in my life now! I was told before that the love I hoped for was impossible. I had friends turn against me when I would have never done that to them. I worked long shifts in a big busy city and daydreamed about a peaceful, quiet lifestyle. So how did I turn things around?

I stayed true to myself! I kept going and made myself open to everything I wanted, instead of giving up or becoming hardened. If I had let myself believe that true love wasn’t real, I wouldn’t be in my current relationship. If I let the two-faced “friends” of my past stop me from making new friends, I wouldn’t have my girls now. If I gave up on creating content when I was working full-time, I wouldn’t be receiving PR from the amazing brands I had only dreamed of collaborating with. I was never afraid to start over, to transform, or to take a leap of faith, whatever it took to know myself deeper.

My advice for getting the life you’ve always wanted, is to never lose sight of what you dreamed of when you were younger. Stay open to receiving unexpected connections and making decisions that no one else understands. Don’t let the opinions of others define you or your life, because they’ll only get in your way. Cut off anyone that’s not a genuine person and block people that have negativity towards you. Leave, quit, move, END THINGS so that you can make room for beautiful new things. I know it might sound scary, but it’s so liberating to know that your life is full of “I did it” instead of “what if” or should’ve, could’ve, would’ve.

You have to find ways to keep the daydream alive when making it reality seems impossible. Write down what you want for yourself and your life as often as you need to. You can’t let setbacks or even failures stop you from trying. Keep trying again and again until you get there! You’ll meet an amazing support system on the way (like I did ♡) and you’ll keep improving. You’ll figure out what things need to change so that you can get the right results next time.

It feels like I got lucky, or I’m blessed. But in reality, I just didn’t give up. No matter what came my way, I didn’t let it break my spirit. If you stay open to receiving, to love, to growing and learning, you’ll get there! I believe in you #cakefacecrew ♡

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