Why I Started Blogging

I had one failed blog before Keiko’s Makeup. I don’t even remember what the name of it was! I got self-hosted, set it up, and then after a year or two I couldn’t keep up and gave up on it. This time around, I worried that I’d do the same thing because of my lack of posts. I thought “Maybe blogging is out. People don’t read anymore.” BUT I’m still here, thanks to remembering my “why”.

I’m an introvert and have always been on the quiet side. I realize that I love silence a lot more than other people do. So, to speak to the outside world without actually talking, there’s writing! I never wanted to be a writer, exactly, but I wanted to get my message of beauty, love, and community to other girls in a way that resonates with myself and other almost-anti-social personalities.

I decided that Keiko’s Makeup would be centered around beautifying oneself, girlhood, and being the kind voice that someone needs (like I did when I was a teen). When I needed uplifting, I found comfort online in YouTube beauty gurus and Japanese gyaru blogs. I loved their willingness to share what made them feel pretty and how they kept a sweet, happy attitude. The gorgeous makeup, hairstyles, and outfits were inspiring and fun to look at, and their way of posting felt intimate and friendly.

Social media has changed so much since I was a teenager, but I still feel like I can be the girl that my younger self needed, to girls and women now. I realize that a lot of ladies don’t know much about cosmetics or expressing their style, and I hope to be helpful to all age groups!

I started blogging to reach an audience that enjoys solitude, reading, a calm atmosphere, femininity, and being girly. If that’s you, thanks so much for being here! We’ve got a lot in common!

tag #keikfacecrew in your social media posts so we can see your amazing style ♡


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